the mystery of ralph guldahl

GHS member and past president John Fischer III is known for his love of golf history. The former journalist and retired attorney researches and writes articles on various aspects of golf history for websites such as The Morning Read as well as golf magazines that include our own quarterly, The Golf. We may be forgiven, I think, if we claim […]

the vivid color of winged foot

Golf Art — Postcards of Winged Foot By Frank Cantrel Jr. Golf art is produced on many materials — on paper, on canvas and even on postcards.  It can also come in different mediums, including oil paintings and photography.  Included here are two such examples on postcards — one that reproduces an oil painting of Winged Foot’s famous par-five 9th […]

winged foot west – “far and sure” is a necessity

The 120th U.S. Open begins today, Sept. 17, 2020.  Winged Foot’s West Course will, once again, provide the ultimate test for the world’s greatest golfers. This storied venue has hosted the U.S. Open five times and the PGA Championship once.  Click on the links below for a comprehensive look at Winged Foot’s championship course, the club’s history, and the legendary […]

first tee group a hit at michiana hickory open

Aug. 29, 2020 – The course had been drenched by the previous night’s heavy rains and large puddles remained throughout the waterlogged course. It was cart paths only. This and strong winds made scoring difficult for all but a few. Open winner Mike Callahan of Michigan turned in the low score of 80 for the victory. The day began with […]

how tough is winged foot? Well…

The U.S. Open returns to Winged Foot next week (Sept. 14-20), the sixth time it will be held on the tough Mamaroneck, N.Y. course. It’s not considered easy by any stretch of the imagination, according to some guys who should know. The great Jack Nicklaus, asked to rate the difficulty of Winged Foot on a scale of 1-10, said “11.  […]