ghs, mel lucas jr get nod in course superintendents trade magazine

Mel Lucas Jr. and the GHS were given a little attention in the March edition of Golf Course Management Magazine, the journal of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. Lucas, who was the fourth president of the Golf Collectors Society, also served as president of GCSAA in 1980. He is the only person to have served that role in […]

Bill wright – 1936-2021

celebrating black golfers – bill wright Born in Kansas City, Mo., in 1936, Bill Wright became a golf phenom through hard work and discipline. A familiar story for most successful golfers, except that he was also black and had an extra dimension of difficulty to navigate, systemic racism that pervaded American culture, including golf. Undaunted, Mr. Wright became the first […]

the golfing president

Mention that the president of the United States is on the golf course, and you’ll get a standard reply: from the president’s supporters, “Great, he needs time away from the pressures of the job”; from the president’s detractors, “There he goes again wasting time on a frivolous golf game when he should be paying attention to his job.” This article […]

ice golf the cure for s.a.d.

The scientists tell us that Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a real thing, affecting countless numbers of cabin-bound individuals during the long winter days. (Symptoms are too depressing to enumerate or describe.) The combination of near-perpetual gray skies, relentless cold and snow begin to take its toll on the human psyche, not that we haven’t had some practice because of […]

easygoing teddy rhodes had a ‘passion for the game’

celebrating black golfers – theodore “teddy” rhodes By Jim DavisHe had a prodigious talent for golf, sometimes compared with Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus. But only a few lucky souls got to see Theodore Rhodes play golf. He was was born in Nashville, Tenn., in 1913, a year after Ben Hogan, Byron Nelson, and Sam Snead. But those men had […]