Best of Golf Digest revisits a scandal

Golf Digest is posting a series of “The Best Of” stories from its vast archives. Its reporters are among the best in the industry and the stories are great reads. In this edition, a March 2001 story from Dave Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, is featured. Click here to see this story from the Golf Digest archives.

A Ryder Cup without fans?

Member Opinion – by Jim Davis The 2020 Ryder Cup is scheduled for Sept 25 at Whistling Straits in Kohler, Wisc. As of now, reports Golf Digest and other news sources, the PGA is considering holding the event without fans. That is something to ponder. Is the event a spectator sport, or a golf match? No doubt the fans and […]

Share your GHS passion for golf history and hickory golf

GHS member James Kaiser works from his home in Louisville, Ky., where he is thinking about all things golf, especially his friends and colleagues in the Society. Not one to sit still, Kaiser likes teaching (when social distancing will next allow) and playing golf with pre-1900 equipment and gutty balls. He’s a regular at such events as you will find […]

Inspiration from the very young

Dakota Cunningham is only 14, but the youngster has overcome a tough bout with cancer and notched some career golf highlights the rest of us only dream about. Golf writer John Strege wrote about the young man’s inspirational story for Golf Digest. Click here to see his story on the Golf World website.