Nelson’s big year in ’45 still raising wonder

In 1945, Byron Nelson was on a tear. The man with the smooth swing won 18 tournaments that year, 11 of them in a row. Some say the strength of the fields in the various events was not that strong as many top golfers were still on active military duty. That’s debatable, and is, ad infinitum. What’s not debatable is […]

Tee up a special day for mom this year

We celebrate Mother’s Day tomorrow, May 10, and if there’s one thing certain in this world, without moms there would be no golf. Well, there would likely be no anything, but we are talking moms here and they all deserve our highest appreciation tomorrow and every day. We found a great story on the LPGA Women’s Network about professional golfing […]

Cold medicine

Editor’s note: Though the following was written in January 2017, it seems appropriate to again share at this time as most of us are still shut up at home. MacDuff is an occasional contributor to GHS pages and we thought his take on the promises of bright new golfing technologies worthy of revisiting. Most of us receive or have read […]

April 2020 interview with Bern Bernacki

This clip is from the April 25 “Talking Golf Getaways” podcast with host Mitch Laurance (a member of the Society of Hickory Golfers and an avid hickory player). GHS President Bern comes on about the 15 minute-58 second mark. Click below for the interview which follows just below the introductory text on the GolfTripX web page. Melding the game’s past […]

May 2 Golf Shop radio show interview with Bern Bernacki

The Golf Shop radio show, with hosts Matt Greenhaigh and Matt Blanchard, conducted an interview with GHS President Bern Bernacki on May 2. Click on the logo above to see the story. When you get to the story page, click on the bar to hear the interview.