the masters amateur dinner

By John Fischer III Anyone who follows the Masters golf tournament has probably heard of the Champions Dinner held on Tuesday evening of the tournament week. The idea came from Ben Hogan in 1952 who sought permission to hold a dinner for all prior winners of the Masters. The group would constitute The Masters Club. Augusta National Golf Club Chairman, […]

putters – what’s in that name?

In the Spring 2023 edition of The Golf, GHS member Bob Gettis wrote about his fascination with putter names that suggest the blade is endowed with supreme powers of sinking putts. Over the years, marketing departments have come up with some beauties, such as Anser – Ping; Bulls Eye – Acushnet; Cash-In – Spalding; Dead Center – Titleist; ITSIN – […]

statue of johnny laidlay

This painted bronze staute, c. 1890, of John E. Laidlay is one of only two examples known to exist. This one sold at auction for $30,000. Well, there are only two of them. Laidlay was a famous British amateur who won the British Amateur in 1889 and 1891, and was runner-up in 1888, 1890, and 1893. It was Laidlay who […]

Introduction to golf card collecting

by rob ferguson As an Annual Benefactor of the Golf Heritage Society, I credit Ambassador John Rusbosin for the opportunity to share my experience in collecting and creating a vast Golf Card collection. I have been a longtime trading card collector and was a former sports card shop owner during the card collecting frenzy of the 1980s. It was then […]

golf card collecting

TOPICS(Topics without active links are being updated.) A Brief Introduction to Golf Card CollectingCondition, Grading, and AuthenticityWhat’s Hot and for How Much in 2023HistoryProductionAvailabilityPopularityInvestment OpportunitiesThe story of golf as portrayed by cigarette and modern era cards.Murad College Silks