u.s amateur week at bandon dunes

The 120th U.S. Amateur Championship, our oldest national championship, is being played at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort in Bandon, Ore. this week, Aug. 10-16, 2020.  When it all began in 1895 at Newport (R.I.) Country Club, it was played concurrently with the U.S. Open.  Back then, the amateur championship was the larger and more prestigious of the two. That inaugural event was […]

of all things – tour rookie wins pga championship – in 1991

John Daly was a tour rookie and the ninth reserve when he got a call about the PGA Championship, that year at Crooked Stick in Indiana. When Nick Price had to withdraw, the youngster had his chance, although he had to drive to the course overnight. A creator of prodigious drives, the young Daly scraped together some pretty good rounds […]

tad moore, florida hickory golfers featured in golf central magazine

He does make a dandy golf club, does Tad Moore. The folks at Golf Central Magazine think so, too, featuring the award-winning club maker in its Vol. 21 Issue/2 edition. Also featured are the Florida Hickory Golfers and their burgeoning partnership with the Florida State Golf Association. Hickory events will now be offered and promoted through the Sunshine State’s premier […]

joe louis and the pga

Celebrating Black Golfers – Joe Louis Heavyweight boxer Joe Louis was fond of golf. He teed it up with several celebrities and sports icons of the day, including Babe Ruth. Joe also enjoyed his rounds with black golfers who were then banned from the PGA Tour. Black golfers formed their own tour, the United Golf Association and their stars had […]

walter hagen’s five pga championships – four in a row!

By George Petro Saying that Walter Hagen won four PGA championships in a row is an understatement! The PGA championship from 1916 through 1957 was held at match-play.  There is a good reason Walter Hagen is often considered the greatest match-play player.  While he did not play in the PGA Championship in 1919 or 1920, he won in 1921, (his […]