a peek at ultra-private golf courses

GHS member John Fischer III often pens a golf history article for SI’s The Morning Read. His latest concerns three private courses built by early movie star Harold Lloyd, business tycoon Walter Annenberg, and successful banker T. Suffern Tailer Sr. What do you do when you have the dough and love to golf? You build your own track, that’s what. […]

virginia golfer magazine profiles dick johns, harold guy, ghs

The November/December 2021 issues of Virginia Golfer Magazine, contains a lovely story by Lisa D. Mickey on GHS members Dick Johns and Harold Guy and their contributions to the Golf Heritage Society. Click on the link above to see the magazine. The story appears on page 26.

golf heritage society to exhibit at gcsaa conference and trade show

Pittsburgh, Pa. (Dec. 10, 2021) – The Golf Heritage Society (GolfHeritage.org) will have a presence at the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show, to take place Feb. 5-10, 2022, in San Diego. The GHS will be located in booth #2059, where attendees can interact with leaders of the Society to discover all the GHS has to offer.  “We look forward to […]

pau gc blazer badge

Blazer badges are a favorite for some collectors who enjoy the colorful designs enhanced by metallic, “bullion” threading. Some are for particular golf clubs, others for golf associations and similar golf communities. This one is from the collection of John Fischer III, who, while he is not an avid badge collector, does have a three or four which hold a […]

tiger and featheries?

In a recent news conference Tiger Woods talked about his life after his car accident, getting back to golf and his future on the PGA Tour. He also referenced an ancient method of playing the game. The whole conference is worth watching as just about anything Tiger does when he talks golf. To catch the feathery reference, fast forward to […]